Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First post awkwardness...

Hey there, if you know of my blog for it's first post, then chances are that you know me and therefore don't need a lengthy explanation of who I am. If you don't, here is a quick rundown. I used to be an aspiring professional photographer in California. Now I am an ex-aspiring professional photographer turned aspiring Mechanical Engineer in Chicago. Problems making up my mind in life? Maybe. As far as why I have this blog, the reason is pretty basic. Since I stopped working as a photographer for the time being, I have kind of let the pursuit of that form of art drop out of my life and my skills stagnate. This blog thing is just an excuse to go through the many thousands of old images that I have and do some of the post-production that I never bothered to do before, and hopefully bring to life and share some good images that might otherwise be wasted. Too, I really need to get myself shooting new stuff again, even if it isn't on the production level that I got used to. Perhaps this will be the excuse I need to dust off the old Canon (or if I'm feeling up for it, the 4x5 View Camera.)

I'm not really out to show off anything amazing here, and I'm kind of going to start off with alot of my early images from when I just picked up a camera. I wasn't really "technically" good or anything back then so the images aren't really stunning; but that's when it was the most fun for me, and that's what I'm trying to make this all about again.

Anyhoo, thanks for having a look. If photo is your thing, I'd love to get as in-depth of a critique as you'd care to give. Of course, I have to kick things off with an image or two...

These few images are from a little trek I took with my Brother and my friend Chris to an abandoned coal processing plant on the south side of Chicago back in 2005. I don't know if the place is still there, but it made for a pretty interesting day just poking around and taking photos.


Canon EOS-10D w/28-105mm, 1/60th @ f/5.6, ISO400


Canon EOS-10D w/28-105mm, 15sec @ f/19, ISO400


Canon EOS-10D w/28-105mm, 1/45 @ f/4, ISO800

0 critiques:

Why this is here:

I used to be on the track to being a professional photographer, but then I started doing other crap. As a result, I have created tons of images spanning the length of my photography "career." Instead of letting them sit in boxes or on my hard drive until I die, I figured I might share some of them. Some I consider some of my my good work, some are bad photos from good times, and some I just like for no reason. Enjoy, and please do give me some constructive criticism, as I still use the magical light trapping box from time.

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